VA / 20 Years Of Dischord 3xCD

2002年にリリースされた当時DISCHORD20周年記念でリリースされたCD3枚組/64曲+130頁超のブックレットの豪華装丁込みのDISCHORDの歴史、今でも刻み続けていますが当時2002年までのDISCHORDを支えた名曲が収録された素晴らしい作品です。TEEN IDOLESやMINOR THREAT等DCHC全盛の80年代初期、その残党たちが蠢いた80年代後期〜90年代初期、FUGAZIブレイクの90年代中期からのエモーショナルハードコアが台頭した同じく90年代中期、2000年で現れたFARAQUETやQ AND NOT Uの新世代がDISHOCRDを支えるまでの期間です。DISC1-2は既発音源のDISCHORDベスト的な内容でDISC3はレアトラックが収録。

disc 1
1. Teen Idles - Get Up And Go 
2. The Untouchables - Nic Fit 
3. State Of Alert - Public Defender 
4. Minor Threat - Screaming At A Wall 
5. Void - Dehumanized 
6. Youth Brigade - Barbed Wire 
7. Government Issue - Rock 'n' Roll Bullshit 
8. Scream - Fight/american Justice 
9. Iron Cross - Live For Now 
10. Red C - Pressure's On 
11. Deadline - Stolen Youth 
12. Artificial Peace - Suburban Wasteland 
13. Faith - Subject To Change 
14. Skewbald - Sorry/change For The Same 
15. Marginal Man - Missing Rungs 
16. Gray Matter - Oscar's Eye 
17. Rites Of Spring - Drink Deep 
18. Beefeater - Just Things 
19. The Snakes - Snake Rap 
20. Dag Nasty - Circles 
21. Embrace - Money 
22. Soulside - Punch The Geek 
23. Egg Hunt - We All Fall Down 
24. One Last Wish - This Time 
25. Fire Party - Cake 
26. Ignition - Rebuilding 
27. Three - Domino Days 
28. Shudder To Think - Red House 
29. Happy Go Licky - Twist And Shout 

disc 2
30. Fugazi - Blueprint 
31. Lungfish - Friend To Friend In Endtime 
32. Fidelity Jones - Destructor 
33. The Nation Of Ulysses - Spectra Sonic Sound 
34. Holy Rollers - Perfect Sleeper 
35. Jawbox - Motorist 
36. Severin - People Are Wrong 
37. The High-back Chairs - Summer 
38. Autoclave - I'll Take You Down 
39. Circus Lupus - Pop Man 
40. Branch Manager - Mr Weekend 
41. Slant 6 - What Kind Of Monster Are You? 
42. Hoover - Cable 
43. Trusty - Goodbye, Dr Fate 
44. Smart Went Crazy - A Good Day 
45. The Crownhate Ruin - Piss Alley 
46. The Warmers - Poked It With A Stick 
47. The Make-up - They Live By Night 
48. Bluetip - Castanet 
49. Faraquet - Cut Self Not 
50. Q And Not U - Hooray For Humans 

disc 3
51. Teen Idles - Get Up And Go 
52. Teen Idles - Deadhead 
53. Untouchables - Stepping Stone 
54. State Of Alert - Draw Blank 
55. Minor Threat - Straight Edge (live) 
56. Minor Threat - Understand 
57. Government Issue - Snubbing 
58. Government Issue - Asshole (with Ian) 
59. Minor Threat - Asshole Dub 
60. Youth Brigade - I Object 
61. Rozzlyn Rangers - Rozzlyn Rangers 
62. Void - Black, Jewish And Poor 
63. Void - Authority (take 1 And 2) 
64. Scream - Search For Employment 
65. Deadline - No Revolution 
66. Faith - No Choice 
67. Marginal Man - Manipulator 
68. Dag Nasty - All Ages Show 
69. Fugazi - The Word 
70. Fugazi - Burning (live) 
71. Shudder To Think - Drop Dead Don't Blink 
72. Circus Lupus - We Are The One 
73. Slant 6 - Are You Human? 
  • Label:DISCHORD
  • Price:2,580
  • Qty :